Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum

April 24, 2010: We have had a very interesting couple here for 5 nights to celebrate their anniversary. They had read my blog about the ramps ad wanted to try them. So their second breakfast was potatoes and ramps, sour cream scrambled eggs, toast, and venison brats and bacon. They liked them so much they are taking some home with them. Ramps do need to be refrigerated but will keep for several days I am told.The first day here, they took the Anna Jarvis house, covered bridges, and West Virginia Wildlife Center tour. We removed the winery since they were not interested in that. They seem to have enjoyed exploring the area. Last night they went to the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum for a paranormal tour from 10 PM to Midnight (reservations required). I asked this morning if they thought it was worth the price of $40 per person. They said it was. In fact, they found it so interesting that instead of going to a festival as planned, they went back and did the tour of the Asylum during the daylight. They said it was a totally different experience to actually see it in the daylight (there are no lights at night other than flashlights). The daytime tour is $30 per person and again they felt it was worth it. Just thought I would pass on an experience and feedback from guests about one of our most recent attractions. After 4 days of site-seeing my guests have run out of time but have not run out of things to see and do.We gave them some ideas of things to see on the way home. West Virginia has so much to offer and just not enough time to see it all! They only saw 3 of our 9 covered bridges. Guess they will just have to come back to see the rest!Why don’t you come visit Shinnston? Call soon so you will not be like the folks we had to turn away tonight. All rooms are filled tonight so they had to go elsewhere…..888-592-0177 for reservations.