A Berry Good Summer

September 9, 2019 Shinnston, West Virginia: As I look out my office door window, I see the berry bushes that delineate our side yard. Blackberries along the alley, blueberry bushes across the front, and red raspberries along the entrance steps and the sidewalk to the ramp at the back deck.

The blackberries pickedoneevening

Every evening the end of June to the middle of August I was picking a strainer full of blackberries, some almost as big as my thumb.

Blackberry almostasbig asmy thumb

In July I started picking red raspberries. I was able to have fresh berries in the fruit dishes for guests and also freeze some for the winter use. The red raspberries are giving me a second crop now – most likely to end in another week or so,

Red raspberries pickedone evening

Sadly, the blueberries have yet to produce a crop, but hope springs eternal. I also planted a kiwi bush 2-years ago and hope for kiwi berries in 2020. This Spring I planted a peach tree in the side yard – and it is still alive! In fact, it now has a lot of leaves. Just hoping to live long enough to get a peach from it.

Gillum House Bed & Breakfast likes to serve our guests fresh fruit from our own property. Come visit Shinnston and Mountaineer Country for Gillum House fresh-roasted coffee from the country of your choice, homemade baked goods, and our own fresh fruit.